IBM Audits
IBM frequently audits its clients
IBM is one of the most aggressive auditors. In fact, IBM is one of the top three auditors and is the #1 software auditor, according to Gartner. Typically, a formal software audit letter from IBM will arrive demanding information on:
- Number of IBM installations on the network
- Number of licenses including serial numbers
IBM engages an outside auditing firm to perform a third-party audit and often the audit can take place anywhere between 12 to 18 months.
Reasons for an IBM Audit
Change is a typical reason for audits
- The two universal reasons for software audits are simple - capture more legitimate revenue and protect inellectual property.
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
- Divestitures
- Renewal or large procurement of licenses
- Business operations changes
- Change management
Initial Steps during an IBM Audit
IBM Audits: First Steps
After the demand for a formal audit letter arrives, these
- Validate IBM's right to audit the specific items under your Terms & Conditions (T&Cs) of your ELAs.
- Define the scope of the IBM audit with care and precision.
- Negotiate and clarify timelines.
- Form a response team, which will begin the internal audit process and manage the IBM audit.